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National Library of the Philippines Compliance with Sec. 93 (Transparency Seal) R.A.  No. 10155 (General Appropriations Act FY 2012)

  1. The agency’s mandates and functionsnames of its officials with their position and designation, and contact information
  2. Annual Financial Reports – (FY 2010 – 2017)
  3. DBM approved budgets and corresponding targets
  4. Major programs and projects categorized in accordance with the five key results areas under E.O. No. 43, s. 2011 (Not Applicable)
  5. Major projects, programs and activities, Beneficiaries and status of implementation for FY 2018 (Not Applicable)
  6. Annual Procurement Plan, Contracts awarded and the name of contractors/ suppliers/ consultants
  7. Quality Management System Certified by International Certifying Body or Agency Operations Manual
  8. System of Ranking Delivery Units and Individuals
  9. NLP Freedom of Information Manual
  10. Accountability Report Card
  11. Report on Ranking of Bureaus/Offices/Attached Agencies/Delivery Units
  12. Review and Compliance Procedure for the Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN) 
  13. Office Performance Commitment and Review (OPCR)
  14. Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME-HRM)
  15. Legal Deposit Record Under Presidential Decree No. 812

National Library of the Philippines