Training-Series on Delivering the Basics of Quality Public Library Service (Series 2) and Validation Proper of the 2015 Revised Standards for Philippine Public Libraries
The second series of the program entitled Training-Series on Delivering the Basics of Quality Public Library Service was conducted last 6 June 2023 from 08:00 AM – 05:00 PM at 3/F, Conference Room of Purok Marcela Beach Resort, Lingayen, Pangasinan.
The training was attended by seventy five (75) individuals composed of NLP organizers, Pangasinan Provincial Library (PPL) and Provincial Government of Pangasinan (PGP) staff, resource speakers, and participants from various affiliated public libraries of NLP within and outside the Province of Pangasinan. Specifically, the training was designed to strengthen and recalibrate the quality of how public libraries offer their products and services, including their public accountability, to the community by exploring the fundamental theories and concepts behind the current Standards for Public Libraries.
The second series dealt with the community needs analysis and the development of a collection development plan. Invited to this training were Ms. Kima Sirot, Librarian I of Asingan Municipal Library; Ms. Virgie Aquino, City Government Department Head I of Alaminos City Library; and Ms. Bernadine Gravela, City Government Assistant Department Head of Urdaneta City Public Library, who acted as the resource speakers during the whole-day training.
On June 7-8, 2023, the group was split into three sub-groups to visit various municipalities of Pangasinan to validate the existing Revised Standards for Philippine Public Libraries and monitor inactive public libraries. They were joined by selected staff from PPL who provided logistical support, coordination among selected public libraries, and additional service vehicles.