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Michael “Aiko” C. Nagas, CSC Gantimpala Agad Awardee

September 15, 2022

The National Library of the Philippines commends Michael “Aiko” C. Nagas, OIC Librarian of the City Library of San Fernando, La Union, for being awarded Certificate of Recognition as “Gantimpala Agad Awardee” under the Mamamayan Muna/ Aksyon Agad Para Sa Taumbayan Program of the Civil Service Commission Regional Office No. 1 of San Fernando, La Union.

The awardee promptly coordinated with the medical team of Ilocos Training and Regional Medical Center (ITRMC) to provide immediate and essential medical treatment needed by Director II Edgar F. Asuncion of CSC La Union Field Office last July 24, 2022. The award was to show high appreciation for such noble act of responsiveness that is worthy of emulation by all public servants.

The Certificate was given last August 9, 2022 in San Fernando City, La Union and was signed by CSC Director IV Hedy Jose B. Lardizabal.

National Library of the Philippines