2021 Top Performing Library in the Philippines (Municipal Category)
POLANGUI MUNICIPAL LIBRARY AND INFORMATION CENTER of Polangui, Albay was awarded as 2021 Top Performing Library in the Philippines (Municipal Category). This award recognized its outstanding performance in library services serving 154, 206 clients (physical and online users).

Certificate of Recognition for Polangui Municipal Library and Information Center

Members of the Polangui Municipal Library and Information Center during the awarding with Director Adriano
The award was received by the members of the Polangui Municipal Library and Information Center led by Ms. Rosemarie Olidana, Librarian I; Maretes Millena, Administrative Aide IV; Renz Jimppy Tan- Administrative AIde II; Tomas Caayao, Driver; and, SFO1 Elmer Olidana, BFP.

Awarding of Certificate of Recognition to the members of the Polangui Municipal Library and Information Center as the 2021 Top Performing Library in the Philippines (Municipal Category) with NLP Director Cesar Gilbert Q. Adriano, Ms. Blesila P, Velasco, PLD Chief and PLD staff.
NLP Director Cesar Gilbert Q. Adriano presented the Certificate of Recognition on 11 March 2022 at the NLP Director’s Office together with the Chief of the Public Libraries Division (PLD), Ms. Blesila P. Velasco. Present in this event are other members of the PLD including Chad Aren Diaz, Librarian III, Training Section; Julie Ann Domingo DL. San Esteban, Library Establishment and Affiliation and Monitoring and Evaluation Section; Vida Dorea Mendoza, Librarian II, Establishment and Affiliation Unit; and, Karl William Panisan, Administrative Aide IV (Clerk II), Monitoring and Evaluation Unit.

Book Allocation with Ms. Vida Dorea Mendoza.
Prior to the awarding, Ms. Vida Dorea Mendoza facilitated the turnover of allocated books to the winning library.