Webinar on Public Advocacy and Communication – Creating Effective Infographics
September 15, 2021
The NLP, in partnership with the UP National College of Public Administration and Governance (NCPAG) – Center for Policy and Executive Development (CPED), invites you to a one-day program entitled “Webinar on Public Advocacy and Communication – Creating Effective Infographics” on 06 September 2022, from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM via Zoom.
This webinar, being an activity under the Philippine Public Library Leaders’ Conversation, aims to share among participants appropriate ways to effectively develop and create infographic materials to better communicate their library’s policy proposal, advocacies, activities, and/or plans unto their users and other stakeholder.
You may register in this virtual activity via https://bit.ly/PPLLCCEI or scan the QR code in the poster.
Once registered, the Zoom Meeting Link and Pre-Training Reminders will be automatically forwarded to your nominated email address.
Should you have further questions and/or clarifications, please do not hesitate to email the Training Section via nlpwebinar@nlp.gov.ph.
Thank you and we look forward to have you in this learning opportunity.