Deadline of Submission: Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Agency to Agency Agreements
Resolution No. 18-02
November 29, 2018
Resolution on Agency to Agency Agreements of Supply and Delivery of NLP Filipiniana Books
- That the National Library of the Philippines (NLP) aims to acquire NLP Filipiniana Books in amount of Fifty Nine Thousand One Hundred Seventy Five Pesos (Php59,175.00)
- . That Collection Development Division (CDD) made a Purchase Request for the procurement of NLP Filipiniana Books dated November 22, 2018 (Attached as Annex “A”).
- . That Section 53.5 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of RA 9184, otherwise known as the Government Procurement Act of 2009, allows the procuring entity to resort to negotiated procurement of goods from another agency of the Government of the Philippines (GoP) .
- . That The University of the Philippines (UP) Press, being the proposed government supplier, has mandate to “encourage, publish and disseminate scholarly, creative and scientific works which commercial publishers would not ordinarily undertake to publish.
- . That pursuant to Section 53(e) of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of RA 9184, the CDD endorsed to the BAC the procurement of the aforcementioned goods through Agency to Agency Procurement, with a contract amount Fifty Nine Thousand One Hundred Seventy Five Pesos (Php59,175.00) inclusive of VAT.
6. That the amount Fifty Nine Thousand One Hundred Seventy Five Pesos (Php59,175.00) does not exceed 25% of NLP’s total procurement for NLP Filipiniana Books as reflected in its approved Annual Procurement Plan (APP).
7. That after careful evaluation, the NLP-BAC has considered the procurement of NLP Filipiniana Books through Agency-to-Agency Agreement pursuant to Sec. 53 (e) of the IRR of RA 9184.
8. The Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) resolves as it hereby resolved to recommend the procurement of NLP Filipiniana Books to:
THE UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES PRESS Los Santos St., U.P. Campus Diliman, Quezon City
Tel: 928-2558
Telefax: 926-6642
Email: or
Contractor: The University of the Philippines Press
Contract Amount: 59,175.000
Notice of Award: December 05, 2018