Submission Bin for LISM-Related Activities
The National Library of the Philippines, in partnership with the National Commission for Culture and the Arts – National Committee on Libraries and Information Services (NCCA-NCLIS), would like to invite all libraries, information centers, library organizations, schools, academic institutions, LIS alumni associations, library consortia, local government units, and other partner agencies nationwide to submit their respective list of activities in relation to the celebration of the 32nd Library and Information Services Month. This is for all 2022 LISM-related activities to be collated and included in the 32nd LIS Month Calendar of Activities, accessible via https://tinyurl.com/LISM2022Calendar.
You may submit the details of your planned activities through the online submission bin https://tinyurl.com/LISM2022Activities or by scanning the QR code in the poster. Deadline of submission is on October 21, 2022 (Friday).
You may check the calendar regularly to see updates in the schedule of various LISM-related activities. You may also visit the 32nd LIS Month microsite at http://web.nlp.gov.ph/lis/.
Let’s celebrate the LIS Month together this coming November!
#32ndLISM #LISM2022 #LISMonth #KanlunganNgKarunungan