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The Reference Division maintains foreign print and non-print materials, provides onsite and offsite access to online databases, and delivers resources and services for clients/readers from the general public, including children, young adults, and persons with print disabilities.

A. Functions
1. Maintains foreign library materials;
2. Provides reading room services to library users;
3. Provides access to online resources.
B. Sections
B.1 Asia and Oceania
This section provides and maintains scholarly resources about countries in Asia and Oceania except the Philippines in print and non-print formats written in English and in other languages.
B.2 Children’s Library
This section is responsible for providing services and activities that develop children’s interests in books and reading. These services include storytelling, read-aloud, puppet shows, arts and crafts, educational tours, and outreach programs.
B.3 Foreign General Book Section
This section maintains and organizes the collection, and performs advisory services and, recommends library materials to readers.
B.4 Foreign Serials and UN Publications Section
This section maintains and organizes foreign serials and United Nations publications.
B.5 Library for the Blind Section (LBS)
This section provides resources in alternative formats for persons with print disabilities, such as Braille, large print, and audiobooks. It also offers services such as transcription of print materials to Braille and audiobook formats.
1. Borrowing Services
This is the main service in the reading area.
2. Provision of Access to e-Resources 
This service provides access to NLP’s online databases of e-journals, e-books, e-serials, and other electronic resources available to the authorized on-site and offsite users of NLP, including access provided to the affiliated public libraries.

3. Children’s Services
These services include storytelling, Read-Aloud, and Puppet Show

3.1 Face-to-Face Activities
3.1a Storytelling
Storytelling is one of the special services of NLP, occasionally offered during tours and outreach activities. It may be usually performed in the form of solo, tandem, and/or chamber.
3.1b Read Aloud
Another children’s service that is conducted (as requested) during occasoccasional/special activities.
3.1c Puppet Show
A Puppet show is another medium of storytelling that uses the produced puppetry.
3.2 Online Activities
3.2a Live Storytelling
This is a Live streaming via Facebook, Stream Yard, and YouTube Channels.
3.2b Recorded Storytelling
This is a digitally recorded video clip, most often told in a firstfirst-personative, illustrated (mostly) with still images and with an optional music track to add an emotional tone.
3.2c Live Arts and Crafts
These are specific art activities for children involving making things with one’s own hand executed with easy instructions while doing online.  
3.2d Recorded Arts and Crafts
These are recorded video clips of children’s arts and crafts activities. 
4. Circulation of Alternative Materials
This service refers to the loaning out of library materials in the LBS, which is offered exclusively to persons with print disabilities.
5 Reproduction of Alternative Materials
Reproduction into Braille and Audiobooks  (accessible formats) is offered in the LBS to meet the needs of information resources of persons with print disabilities.
National Library of the Philippines