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Online monthly report version 2


    The information collected for this field covers the official details of your library. Kindly supply the items properly.

    Calendar Year: *
    Taon ng kalendaryo
    Report Coverage:*
    What is the month that this report covers?
    Mula sa anong buwan ang mga datos na nakalap sa report na ito?
    Region: *
    Province: *
    Type of Public Library: *
    Uri ng Pampublikong Aklatan
    Public library code*
    To get your code click this link
    Complete and official name of the public library*
    Ano ang opisyal na pangalan ng pampublikong aklatan?
    Complete and official address of the public library: *
    Ano ang opisyal na tanggapan ng pampublikong aklatan? Isama ang zip code (ex: 3/F National Library of the Philippines, T.M. Kalaw Ave., Ermita, Manila 1000)
    Library's official mobile number: *
    Opisyal na numero ng selpon ng pampublikong aklatan
    Library's official email: *
    Opisyal na email ng pampublikong aklatan
    Library's official telephone number: *
    Opisyal na numero ng telepono ng pampublikong aklatan (Area Code + Number: e.g. (02) 5336-7200)

    For changes in your local chief executive(s), contact details, library address, or head of the library, kindly notify the Public Libraries Division by sending an email at

    For those who have not yet accomplished the monitoring form, kindly answer through this link Please be reminded that this form shall be accomplished annually.

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