NLP turn-over Britannica All-New Kids’ Encyclopedia to Malabon City Library and Quezon City Public Library
Director Cesar Gilbert Q. Adriano of the National Library of the Philippines (NLP) together with Blessila P. Velasco, Chief of the Public Libraries Division (PLD), and Melody M. Madrid, Officer-in-Charge of the Collection Development Division, facilitated the turn-over of Britannica All-New Kids’ Encyclopedia to the Malabon City Library and Quezon City Public Library last 9 November 2021.

NLP Director Cesar Gilbert Q. Adriano, Blessila P. Velasco, PLD Chief, Melody M. Madrid, OIC-CDD,
with the representatives of the Malabon City Library and Quezon City Public Library during the turn-over of Britannica All-New Kids’ Encyclopedia.
Director Adriano awards to the representatives of the Quezon City Public Library the Britannica All-New Kids’ Encyclopedia.
Director Adriano with the representatives of the Malabon City Library during the turn-over activity of Britannica All-New Kids’ Encyclopedia.
Last 21 October 2021, NLP accepted the complete volume of the new Britannica All-New Kids’ Encyclopedia donated by WOE Publications LTD and Mr. Theodore Pappas.
These volumes of the encyclopedia will now be added to the collections of the two public libraries which will be made available for their library users.
Malabon City Library personnel at their Mobile Library while showing the Britannica All-New Kids’ Encyclopedia they have received from NLP.
Quezon City Public Library personnel at their Mobile Library while showing the Britannica All-New Kids’ Encyclopedia they have received from NLP.