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LISM Librarians’ Game Show

November 9, 2022

The National Library of the Philippines (NLP), together with the National Commission for Culture and the Arts – National Committee on Libraries and Information Services (NCCA-NCLIS), presents …. The Librarians’ Game Show!

The Librarians’ Game Show is a fun quiz bee for professional librarians (game show style~) that shall test their knowledge and understanding of library and information science. Representatives from different library organizations were invited to participate in the game.

This will be held tomorrow, 4 November 2022, 1:30 PM, at the NLP Epifanio de los Santos Auditorium. Join us in this exciting activity by watching the event live via NLP Facebook Page.

Happy LIS Month!

#32ndLISM #LISMonth2022 #LISM #KanlunganNgKarunungan

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