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February is National Arts Month!

February 1, 2024

The National Library of the Philippines supports the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) in celebrating artistic excellence, uniqueness and diversity of the Filipino heritage and culture through the 2024 National Arts Month (NAM) activities.

With the theme “ANI NG SINING, BAYANG MALIKHAIN,” the celebration aims to encapsulate the notion that the bountiful harvest of a Filipino creative nation is drawn from the products of human imagination, not just of individuals, but of people as collective. A creative nation, Bayang Malikhain, embodies the idea of a Filipino society that places a high value on imagination, innovation, and artistic expression as integral components of our identity and progress. In a Bayang Malikhain, artistic endeavors are celebrated as essential contributions to the nation’s development and cultural richness.

This year’s National Arts Month celebration aims to harness the creative energies of artists towards nation-building, integrate the arts into the lives of diverse populations and communities (LGBTQIA+, PWD, IP, Youth, Senior, etc.), and engage critical discourse, awareness, and appreciation of various arts and art disciplines through different emerging platforms.

Presidential Proclamation No. 683, s. 1991 declared February of every year as National Arts Month. Read the Proclamation here:

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