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Decree on Legal and Cultural Deposit or Presidential Decree 812

June 28, 2024

Under the Presidential Decree 812 or the Decree on Legal and Cultural Deposit, publishers must submit 2 copies of their publications free of charge. By complying with the Legal Deposit regulations, the NLP will be able to collect and preserve the cultural heritage of the Philippines.

Preserving our cultural heritage of books and other library materials involves safeguarding the works that contain our community’s history, traditions, and cultural identity. Our future generation will be able to enjoy and benefit from these treasures if they are well-preserved and protected.

Learn More About Legal Deposit:
Want to know more about Legal Deposit? Watch our short video or visit to learn more about Presidential Decree 812 or the Decree on Legal and Cultural Deposit.

Contact us:
You may call us at (02) 5314-2100 loc. 404/405 or email us at for inquiries and other concerns.

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