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Basic Information on Copyright

What is Copyright?

Copyright is a form of intellectual property right and refers to the legal term used to describe the rights that creators have over their literary and artistic works.

What Types of Rights does Copyright Provide?

  • Economic Rights: refer to the rights of the author or copyright owner to derive financial reward from the use of his works by others.

  • Moral Rights: refer to the rights of the author to claim authorship of the work (Right of Paternity) and the right to restrain the use of his name concerning any work, not of his creation or a distorted version of his work.

What is Covered by Copyright?

Copyright covers literary and artistic works, which is understood to include every original work of authorship regardless of artistic or literary merit.

Works covered by copyright include but are not limited to literary works such as novels, poems, and plays; newspaper articles; films and television programs; letters; artistic works including paintings, sculptures, drawings, and photographs; architecture; computer programs; and advertisements, maps, and technical drawings.

How Do I Obtain Copyright Protection?

Copyrightable works are granted automatic protection under the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines from the moment of their creation, irrespective of their mode or form of expression, as well as their content, quality, and purpose.

How Long Does Copyright Subsist?

In general, the term of protection of works under copyright covers the lifetime of the author and fifty (50) years after the author’s death.

What is a Published Work?

A published work is one that has been made available to the public prior to its registration. This includes works that have been made available on the Internet through YouTube, Spotify, Amazon, etc, and those that were posted on blogs.

What is an Unpublished Work?

An unpublished work is one that has not been disseminated to the public at the time of registration.

How do I register my copyright over my work?

If copyright ownership is being claimed by the author:

The following requirements need to be submitted:

  1. Two copies of the Accomplished Application Form and the duly notarized affidavit. The form is downloadable at http:/

  2. Copies of the work being registered as deposit:

a. For books and other related printed works: Two printed copies of the work (if the work is still unpublished, the copies submitted should be bound (soft bound or ring bound).

b. For musical compositions, sound recordings, audiovisual works, or e-books: Two electronic copies saved in separate CDs or USB flash drives.

c. For works of drawings, paintings, architectural works, sculpture, engraving, prints, lithography or other works of art, models or designs for works of art and photographic works: Two photographs of the works (for sculptures, photographs should be all sides of the work being registered).

d. For Original Ornamental Design or Models for Articles of Manufacture and Industrial Objects, and Other Works of Applied Art: Two copies of the drawing of the design with the corresponding technical description.

e. For Computer Programs: Two electronic copies saved in separate CDs or USB flash drives OR printed copies of the first 25 and last 25 pages of the source code (must be ring bound or soft bound).

  1. Two pieces of documentary stamps (worth 35 pesos each).

  2. Application Fee: Php 200.00

If copyright ownership is being claimed by another individual who is not the author:

The following requirements need to be submitted:

  1. Two copies of the Accomplished Application Form and the duly notarized affidavit. The form is downloadable at http:/

  2. Copies of the work being registered as deposit:

a. For books and other related printed works: Two printed copies of the work (if the work is still unpublished, the copies submitted should be bound (soft bound or ring bound).

b. For musical compositions, sound recordings, audiovisual works, or e-books: Two electronic copies saved in separate CDs or USB flash drives.

c. For works of drawings, paintings, architectural works, sculpture, engraving, prints, lithography or other works of art, models or designs for works of art and photographic works: Two photographs of the works (for sculptures, photographs should be all sides of the work being registered).

d. For Original Ornamental Design or Models for Articles of Manufacture and Industrial Objects, and Other Works of Applied Art: Two copies of the drawing of the design with the corresponding technical description.

e. For Computer Programs: Two electronic copies saved in separate CDs or USB flash drives OR printed copies of the first 25 and last 25 pages of the source code (must be ring bound or soft bound).

  1. Two pieces of documentary stamps (worth 35 pesos each).

  2. A duly notarized document indicating the transfer of copyright ownership, such as a waiver, deed of assignment, publishing agreement, affidavit of heirship, etc.

  3. Application Fee: Php 200.00

If copyright ownership is being claimed by an enterprise or corporation:

The following requirements need to be submitted:

  1. Two copies of the Accomplished Application Form and the duly notarized affidavit. The form is downloadable at http:/

  2. Copies of the work being registered as deposit:

a. For books and other related printed works: Two printed copies of the work (if the work is still unpublished, the copies submitted should be bound (soft bound or ring bound).

b. For musical compositions, sound recordings, audiovisual works, or e-books: Two electronic copies saved in separate CDs or USB flash drives.

c. For works of drawings, paintings, architectural works, sculpture, engraving, prints, lithography or other works of art, models or designs for works of art and photographic works: Two photographs of the works (for sculptures, photographs should be all sides of the work being registered).

d. For Original Ornamental Design or Models for Articles of Manufacture and Industrial Objects, and Other Works of Applied Art: Two copies of the drawing of the design with the corresponding technical description.

e. For Computer Programs: Two electronic copies saved in separate CDs or USB flash drives OR printed copies of the first 25 and last 25 pages of the source code (must be ring bound or soft bound).

  1. Two pieces of documentary stamps (worth 35 pesos each).

  2. A duly notarized document indicating the transfer of copyright ownership, such as a waiver, deed of assignment, publishing agreement, affidavit of heirship, etc.

  3. Photocopy of DTI Registration (for single proprietorship) or SEC Certificate (for corporations)

  4. Application Fee: Php 200.00

How much does it cost?

The application fee is Two Hundred Pesos per application.

How do I submit my application for copyright registration?

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Submit complete documentary requirements to the Copyright Receiving Area. (Make sure to secure the Order of Payment that will be issued.)
  2. Pay the required fees at the Cashier by showing the Order of Payment. (Make sure to secure Official Receipt that will be issued upon payment.)
  3. Return to the Copyright Receiving Area and present the Official Receipt. (Make sure to secure the claim stub that will be issued.)
  4. Wait for the release date of the Certificate indicated in the claim stub.
  5. Return to the Copyright Receiving Area on the release date and present the claim stub.

How do I pay the application fee?

Payments can be sent to the National Library of the Philippines through postal money order addressed to The National Library of the Philippines.

Some points to note:

*** An Author or creator refers to the natural person who created the work.

*** If the applicant is anon-resident foreigner, he/she should appoint a local authorized agent by a special power of attorney to complete the copyright application on his/her behalf.

***If the applicant is a minor, the affidavit should be signed and executed by his/her parent or guardian.

*** If a representative is filing the application on behalf of the author, a special power of attorney, if representing a natural person or a Board Resolution or a Secretary’s Certificate, if representing a juridical person, should be submitted.

*** Published works being submitted for copyright registration should carry a copyright notice printed in front or at the back of the title page (for books) or in any clear space (for non-book materials such as CDs, posters, brochures, etc.) in the following form:

Philippine Copyright (Year of Publication) by (Name of Copyright Owner)

Contact Information

Should you wish to mail or hand-deliver your forms and requirements address them to:

National Library of the Philippines

Copyright Section

Research and Publications Division

T.M. Kalaw Avenue, Ermita, Manila

If you have any queries about the process and requirements, please contact the Copyright Section of NLP through:

Email Address:

Telephone: (02) 5314-2100 loc. 411

  • Services

    • Certification of Copyright Registration and Deposit

      Certification of Copyright Registration and Deposit

      Certification is issued for the purpose of giving information on the fact of copyright registration and deposit in the National Library of the Philippines.

      Checklist of Requirements

      1. Request letter addressed to Cesar Gilbert Q. Adriano, Director IV, National Library of the Philippines, with the following details:
        • Name of Copyright Owner;
        • Date of Registration;
        • Title of Work/Creation; and
        • Name of Author/s.
      2. Official receipt of payment of PHP 100.00 Certification fee & Documentary Stamp Tax of PHP 30.00.

    • Certified True Copy (CTC) of the Certificate of Copyright Registration and Deposit / Instrument

      Certified True Copy (CTC) of the Certificate of Copyright Registration and Deposit / Instrument

      Certified true copy is a verification that the Certificate of Copyright Registration and Deposit/Copyright Instrument is a true copy of the original certificate/instrument issued by and filed with the National Library of the Philippines.

      Checklist of Requirements

      1. Request letter addressed to Cesar Gilbert Q. Adriano, Director IV, National Library of the Philippines, with the following details:
        • Name of Copyright Owner;
        • Date of Registration;
        • Title of Work/Creation; and
        • Name of Author/s.
      2. Official receipt of payment of CTC fee of PHP 100.00 per page.

    • Copyright Registration and Deposit

      Copyright Registration and Deposit

      Copyright registration and deposit refers to the creation of an official and public record of rights over an intellectual work/creation and submission of two copies of work/creation to the National Library of the Philippines for the purpose of completing its collection.


      1. Two (2) copies of the accomplished Application Form, and the duly notarized affidavit with affixed documentary stamp (DST). The form is downloadable here.
      2. Two (2) copies of materials/works being registered.


      1. Books :
        • For PUBLISHED work/s : BEST copy of work as published with Copyright Notice :
              [Philippine Copyright (Year of Publication) by (Copyright Owner)]
        • For UNPUBLISHED work/s : saved in USB flash drive with label : [Title of Work & Name of Author]. Printed copy should be bound (soft bound or ring bound).
      2. Musical compositions, sound recordings, audiovisual works, or e-books :
        • Two (2) copies saved in USB flash drive with label : [Title of Work & Name of Author].
      3. Drawings, paintings, architectural works, sculpture, engraving, prints, lithography or other works of art, models or designs for works of art and photographic works :
        • Two (2) photographs of the works (for sculptures, photographs should be all sides of the work being registered).
      4. Original Ornamental Design or Models for Articles of Manufacture and Industrial Objects, and Other Works of Applied Art :
        • Two (2) copies of the drawing of the design with the corresponding technical description.
      5. Computer Programs :
        • Two (2) electronic copies saved in separate USB flash drives OR printed copies of the first 25 and last 25 pages of the source code (must be ring bound or soft bound).


      • Copyright Application Fee PHP 200.00
      • Documentary Stamp (DST) PHP 30.00

      Additional Requirements

      1. If copyright ownership is being claimed by another individual who is not the author :
            One (1) original or CTC of Notarized supporting document indicating transfer of ownership, such as:
        • Waiver;
        • Deed of Assignment;
        • Affidavit of heirship (executed by ALL of the heirs);
        • Publication Contract; or
        • Affidavit of joint ownership.
      2. If copyright ownership is being claimed by an enterprise or corporation :
            One (1) photocopy of SEC Certificate of Registration, or DTI Certificate of Business Name Registration.
      3. Additional requirement for representative :
        • One (1) original or CTC of Notarized Secretary’s Certificate/Board Resolution (corporate/enterprise)
        • One (1) original copy of Special Power of Attorney executed and signed by the applicant (non-resident natural person)
        • One (1) photocopy of Office Order or any similar document (government)
      4. Additional requirement for work/creation made in the course of employment :
        • One (1) CTC of Appointment/ Employment Contract with Job Description
        • One (1) original copy of NOTARIZED Declaration of Work is PART/ NOT PART of Regularly Prescribed Official Duties


      Onsite Application Procedure
           Step 1 : Submit Your Application. Submit complete documentary requirements to NLP Ground Floor, Counter 7, Copyright Receiving Area.
           Step 2 : Pay at the Cashier. Pay the required fees at the Cashier (NLP Ground Floor).
           Step 3 : Return at the Counter. Return to the Copyright Receiving Area and present the Official Receipt.
           Step 4 : Wait for the Claim Slip. Wait for the release date of the Certificate as indicated in the claim slip.

      Via Email Application Procedure
           Step 1 : Submit via E-mail. Send the scanned copy of the application form to for examination.
           Step 2 : Upon Verification. Once all the details are verified, we will advise you to send the hard copies of the application form and the material being deposited via delivery courier.
      You may send the mail to :
          OIC, Copyright Division
          National Library of the Philippines
          T.M. Kalaw St., Ermita, Manila 1000

           Step 3 : Payment. Payment may be done by two (2) options :

      1. via LBC PesoPak
      2. via Post Money Order (Consignee : Loradel Y. Martinez, 0917-8501-606)
           Step 4 : Wait for the Confirmation.Wait for the notification message from the Copyright Division once we have already received your document, or if there are any further inquiries about your application.

    • Correction of Copyright Entries

      Correction of Copyright Entries

      Correction of copyright entries is a rectification of data in the copyright registry. Correction is limited to misspelled words or missing letters, numbers and special characters or omitted or overlooked information. No substantial change is allowed.

      Checklist of Requirements

      1. Request letter addressed to Cesar Gilbert Q. Adriano, Director IV, National Library of the Philippines.
      2. Original Certificate of Copyright Registration and Deposit (NLP.RPD.F.001) and its attachment(application form (NLP-034) & affidavit)

    • Duplicate Copy of Certificate

      Duplicate Copy of Certificate

      Copyright holders whose registration year is 2024 onwards may request for a duplicate copy of Certificate of Copyright Registration and Deposit.

      Checklist of Requirements

      1. Request letter addressed to Cesar Gilbert Q. Adriano, Director IV, National Library of the Philippines
      2. Government-issued ID (author/creator) (1 photocopy copy)
      3. SEC Registration & Secretary’s Certificate (corporate/enterprise) (1 photocopy)
      4. Official receipt of payment (1 original)

    • Recordals


      Checklist of Requirements

      1. Request letter addressed to Cesar Gilbert Q. Adriano, Director IV, National Library of the Philippines.
      2. Two (2) copies Original and/or Certified True Copy of Contract to be recorded.
      3. Official receipt of payment of Recordal fee of PHP 100.00.

  • FAQs

    • What is Copyright?

      What is Copyright?

      Copyright is a form of intellectual property right and refers to the legal term used to describe the rights that creators have over their literary and artistic works.

    • What Types of Rights does Copyright Provide?

      What Types of Rights does Copyright Provide?

      • Economic Rights : refer to the rights of the author or copyright owner to derive financial reward from the use of his works by others.
      • Moral Rights : refer to the rights of the author to claim authorship of the work (Right of Paternity) and the right to restrain the use of his name concerning any work, not of his creation or a distorted version of his work.

    • What is Covered by Copyright?

      What is Covered by Copyright?

      Copyright covers literary and artistic works, which is understood to include every original work of authorship regardless of artistic or literary merit.

      Works covered by copyright include but are not limited to literary works such as novels, poems, and plays; newspaper articles; films and television programs; letters; artistic works including paintings, sculptures, drawings, and photographs; architecture; computer programs; and advertisements, maps, and technical drawings.

    • How Do I Obtain Copyright Protection?

      How Do I Obtain Copyright Protection?

      Copyrightable works are granted automatic protection under the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines from the moment of their creation, irrespective of their mode or form of expression, as well as their content, quality, and purpose.

    • How Long Does Copyright Subsist?

      How Long Does Copyright Subsist?

      In general, the term of protection of works under copyright covers the lifetime of the author and fifty (50) years after the author’s death.

    • What is a Published Work?

      What is a Published Work?

      A published work is one that has been made available to the public prior to its registration. This includes works that have been made available on the Internet through YouTube, Spotify, Amazon, etc, and those that were posted on blogs.

    • What is an Unpublished Work?

      What is an Unpublished Work?

      An unpublished work is one that has not been disseminated to the public at the time of registration.
  • Contact Us

    Copyright Division

    T. M. Kalaw Avenue, Ermita, Manila, Philippines 1000
    P.O. Box 2926

    If you have any questions about the process and requirements, feel free to reach out to us through:

    Email Address:

    Telephone: (02) 5314-2100 loc. 411

National Library of the Philippines