What is Copyright?
What is Copyright?
Copyright is a form of intellectual property right and refers to the legal term used to describe the rights that creators have over their literary and artistic works.
What Types of Rights does Copyright Provide?
What Types of Rights does Copyright Provide?
- Economic Rights : refer to the rights of the author or copyright owner to derive financial reward from the use of his works by others.
- Moral Rights : refer to the rights of the author to claim authorship of the work (Right of Paternity) and the right to restrain the use of his name concerning any work, not of his creation or a distorted version of his work.
What is Covered by Copyright?
What is Covered by Copyright?
Copyright covers literary and artistic works, which is understood to include every original work of authorship regardless of artistic or literary merit.
Works covered by copyright include but are not limited to literary works such as novels, poems, and plays; newspaper articles; films and television programs; letters; artistic works including paintings, sculptures, drawings, and photographs; architecture; computer programs; and advertisements, maps, and technical drawings.
How Do I Obtain Copyright Protection?
How Do I Obtain Copyright Protection?
Copyrightable works are granted automatic protection under the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines from the moment of their creation, irrespective of their mode or form of expression, as well as their content, quality, and purpose.
How Long Does Copyright Subsist?
How Long Does Copyright Subsist?
In general, the term of protection of works under copyright covers the lifetime of the author and fifty (50) years after the author’s death.
What is a Published Work?
What is a Published Work?
A published work is one that has been made available to the public prior to its registration. This includes works that have been made available on the Internet through YouTube, Spotify, Amazon, etc, and those that were posted on blogs.
What is an Unpublished Work?
What is an Unpublished Work?
An unpublished work is one that has not been disseminated to the public at the time of registration.