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Cataloging-in-Publication (CIP)


            The National Library of the Philippines (NLP) through its Catalog Division provides the voluntary service of Cataloging-in-Publication (CIP) at no cost to Philippine publishers and authors. Books published in the Philippines will have a pre-publication catalog record made for the publishers and authors before the book is released. The data includes the author, title, publisher, place of publication, publication date, and the International Standard Book Number (ISBN), if any. To make access and retrieval easier, the Dewey Decimal Classification, Library of Congress Classification and Library of Congress Subject Headings are also provided.

            CIP should be printed on the copyright page or on the back of the title page of the book. The CIP created by Catalog Division appear in the Philippine National Bibliography (PNB) available at or at

Requirements and Criteria

1. Documentary Requirements
To ensure the clarity and accuracy of bibliographic details, publishers are required to submit the galley proof of the library materials/works to be process:
  1. Title page and Copyright page
  2. Table of contents
  3. Introduction and Preface
  4. Sample content (Example Chapter 1)
2. Eligibility of CIP Program
Below are the list of eligible and ineligible for CIP Program:

2.1. Publisher types excluded from CIP
  1. Publishers that do not have a Philippine address, even if their publications are written, printed or distributed in the Philippines.
  2. Book vendors.
2.2. Publication types excluded from CIP
  1. Books that are already published
  2. Reprints where the imprint, publisher, content and format are unchanged
  3. School material at the elementary and secondary levels such as student texts and teachers’ resources.
  4. College textbooks with exercises, laboratory manuals, workbooks or working activities.
  5. Audio-visual materials including mixed media. Examples, Videos, DVD’s, audio cd’s, kits.
  6. Computer files/ programs. Examples, CD-ROMS, computer disk, websites.
  7. Electronic versions of books.
  8. Microforms
  9. Music scores. Examples, Songbooks, music collections, etc.
  10. Serials or Periodicals. Examples, magazines, journals, annuals and other publications issued regularly under the same title.
  11. Travel guides
  12. Ephemeral or consumable materials. Examples, trade catalogs, colouring books, comics, writing books, cut-out books, children’s books for activities and exercises
  13. Gift books. Examples, illustrated collections of inspirational, humorous verse, sayings or quotations.
  14. Maps, wall charts
  15. Print on demands books
2.3. The following are the list of eligible publication types:
  1. Upcoming new and revised edition of books
  2. Self-published books
  3. Graphic novels
  4. Translated books published in the Philippines
  5. Electronic books published simultaneously with printed books

Cataloging-in-publication data is a free service or free of charge.

Processing takes 3 1/2 working days.

The user guide contains useful information about the application process.

If you are not sure if your publication is eligible for CIP Service, please see our requirements and criteria.

To apply, click or scan QR code:

For more information, contact :

Ms. Joahnna C. Dumagan
Ms. Ira Albalos
(02) 5314
-2100 loc. 402-403

National Library of the Philippines