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CALL FOR NOMINATION: SEARCH FOR 2022 Outstanding Public Librarian in the ASEAN Region

June 9, 2022

This search is conceptualized by the National Library of the Philippines (NLP) and ASEAN Public Libraries Information Network (APLiN) with the following objectives:

-To encourage public libraries in the ASEAN Region to continue their exemplary contributions to their community;

-To recognize public librarians or individuals who have gone above and beyond their work in the community through their dedication, commitment, and hard work as a manifestation of their outstanding public service contributions; and,

-To create stronger partnerships between national libraries, APLiN, and other stakeholders for the development of the public libraries in the ASEAN Region.

All nominations/submissions should be submitted via Google Form at on or before July 15, 2022.

Winners will receive the following prizes.

1st Prize—Php 30,000.00, Trophy, NLP medal & a plaque of appreciation

2nd Prize—Plaque of Recognition & NLP medal

3rd Prize—Plaque of Recognition & NLP medal

For further inquiries, call / e-mail:


Co-Chairperson, Awards & Recognition, 2nd ASEAN VRCPL

Tel. No.: +63253105035 local 133


National Library of the Philippines