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Book Donation from the Philippines and Fuzhou Chamber of Commerce

January 15, 2023

The National Library of the Philippines (NLP) is grateful to the Philippines and Fuzhou Chamber of Commerce through Ms. Lourdes Lim Wang for donating more than 800 volumes of books on 24 January 2023. 

NLP Director Cesar Gilbert Q. Adriano together with Ms. Melody M. Madrid, Chief of the Collection Development Division received 400 volumes of the book titled “The Cycle: Awakening of the Mind” and 400 volumes of the book “Cockfighting and other stories” both written by Lourdes Lim Wang; 10 volumes of the “Book Voyage” by Frank Cua and 10 volumes of “Poems of Chen Mingyu.”

These books will be distributed to the selected affiliated public libraries of NLP.

National Library of the Philippines