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World Read Aloud Day

February 1, 2023

Prepare your reading crowns for read aloud!

The National Library of the Philippines joins LitWorld in celebrating World Read Aloud Day on February 01, 2023, via Zoom. You may participate in this event by conducting your own read aloud session in your library or school. Register through this link:, download the poster and reading material here:, and use the hashtags #WRAD #WRAD2023 #WorldReadAloudDay on your social media postings. Five registered libraries or schools (NCR only) that will post their activity with the complete hashtags will receive a reading and hygiene package courtesy of Scholastic and Children’s International-Philippines!

We would also like to thank the Philippine Librarians Association, Inc.—National Capital Region Librarian Council (PLAI-NCRLC), Project PEARLS, The Asia Foundation, World Vision, and Quezon City Public Library for supporting this year’s celebration.

For inquiries, you may contact Mr. Jose Tomasito Fernando, Librarian III of the Children’s Section, at or 0943 4625588. You may also visit for more information about WRAD. 

Together, let us appreciate the joy of reading and sharing stories!

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