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32nd LIS Month: Guess How Many Books Contest

November 22, 2022

The National Library of the Philippines, together with the National Commission for Culture and the Arts – National Committee on Libraries and Information Services (NCCA-NCLIS), would like to invite everyone to join the Guess How Many Books Contest by submitting your guess through the submission bin posted below. The picture of the Collection that you need to guess – the materials in the Rare Books and Special Collections Section – is also available in the submission link. This contest is open to all Filipinos except to NLP employees and their immediate family members.

The mechanics of the contest are as follows:

1. A picture of library materials from the NLP Rare and Special Collection will be posted online through the NLP social media accounts and within the NLP premises.

2. Participants will be asked to guess how many materials (books, manuscripts, etc.) are there in the NLP Rare and Special Collection and submit their guess through an online form. The correct (exact) number will come from the NLP Filipiniana Division which manages the Collection.

3. Participants should like/follow/subscribe to the following social media accounts of NLP: 

4. Participants are required to submit proof or screenshot that they follow at least three (3) social media accounts of NLP. Failure to do so will disqualify the entry of the participant.

5. Each participant should submit only one (1) guess. In case of multiple submissions, only the first submission will be recognized.

6. The participant/s with the exact or closest guess will be declared winner/s.

The winner of this activity will receive Php5,000.00. In case of multiple winners, the prize will be equally divided among them.

Deadline of submission of entries is on November 18, 2022. Announcement of winner/s will be on November 29, 2022 during the 32nd LIS Month Closing and Awarding Ceremonies.

Below is the link for the online Submission Bin:

Happy Library and Information Services Month!

#32ndLISM #LISMonth2022 #LISM #KanlunganNgKarunungan

National Library of the Philippines