66th Public Library Day Celebration
Pursuant to Proclamation No. 563, s. 1959 designating March 09 of every year as Public Library Day, the National Library of the Philippines (NLP), in collaboration with all other public libraries of whatever class or category, is mandated to sponsor the nationwide celebration of this event and to conduct a public library drive.
For this year, join the NLP as it celebrates the 66th Public Library Day with the theme: “Public Libraries in Action: A Blueprint for an Empowered Community.”
Our theme and poster are inspired by three key elements: a roadmap, public library development plans, and the Seal of Good Local Governance. This will be our Public Library Day celebration banner from 2025 to 2027. As part of this campaign, the poster will be updated annually to highlight our progress and key milestones, represented as “pitstops” along the roadmap.
Here’s the official poster of the 66th Public Library Day. Kindly download and print this poster using the editable version (.psd) and display it in your respective public libraries, Link: https://bit.ly/66thPLDayEditablePoster. Likewise, for affiliated public libraries of NLP, the Memorandum Order and Recommended Ways to Celebrate Public Library Day are also included in the provided link.
Since this year’s celebration of the Public Library Day falls on a weekend, public libraries may opt to celebrate Public Library Day either before or after March 9, 2024.
To promote further this event, NLP requests you to post pictures of your activities on Facebook and in the Philippine Public Libraries FB group using these hashtags: #66thPLDay # Empowered #Community #PhilPubLib #NationalLibraryPH.